In order to promote we encourage all users to cooperate in the affiliate program.
What does this mean?
This means that we on a voluntary basis enter into mutually beneficial cooperation with the users who wish to participate in this affiliate program with the purpose of obtaining additional revenue.
Why is this?
We undertake to pay 25% of the profit obtained from users attracted by the partner.
Profit for the affiliate program is recalculated every month (the 1st day of each month) and it immediately becomes available for withdrawal.
In the case of the negative profit for the users during the month this amount is NOT deducted from main partner's account.
Thus the proposal is profitable for both parties and does not require any specific skills for entry into the partnership.
How does it work?
On your personal affiliate page you'll find your affiliate link.
You can place a direct link or banner on your web site, forum, blog or other information resource if it is not contradict the Rules of this resource. There is no limitations on the number of links and banners.
Transitions in your affiliate link or banners on the bookmaker site and the subsequent registration of users are reflected in the statistics for your affiliate page. Users registered through your link become your friends.
During each month statistics are collected, and the profit is calculated. All this you can keep track without any restrictions on your affiliate page.
The first of each month we make payments for the affiliate program, we credit your profits to your account. After that your money is available for any transaction.
It is important to know
You can promote our service by any legal means, but SPAM is strictly forbidden.
Customer account combined with a partner. After the calculation of profit for the affiliate program payments are automatically made to it, this will be reflected on your balance.
To get sponsored links and access to the statistics please login or register.
Your personal link will look like this:
In place of "YOUR_ID" will be the number that corresponds to the ID of your account on the system.
Every time when visitors go to this link and register in the system they are recording in the system as your friends.
Profit for the friends is charged for life.
Here are some banners that you can use on your website:
you are invited to follow my blog